
Willbrr FAQ page was last updated 20231224.

Why Willbrr.com?

Why not have some fun and exercise free speech that might make folks smile.

And remember, willbrr.com and any of Willbrr's thoughts and advice are for entertainment purposes only, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!

How do I submit a question to Willbrr?

Use the "Ask Willbrr" link with a token to submit questions.

What are tokens?

Tokens are used to submit questions to Willbrr. To get a token you have to select a sponor of Willbrr.

How do I select a sponsor for a token?

Send an inquiry to wwidowspeak@gmail.com with the subject Sponsor Request

If Willbrr answers my question, where is the answer posted?

If your question is answered a copy of the audio response will be uploaded to the sponsors folder and a copy goes to the response pool.

If I am a sponsor how do I see questions and responses I sponsored?

Under the "Sponsor Login" link.

What type of questions have the best chance of getting asnwered by Willbrr?

Questions that Willbrr believes to be ok for family listening.

Does Willbrr answer every question submitted?

Questions are submitted with courtesy of a sponsor and Willbrr reserves the right to answer or decline any question.

Do declined questions count against a sponsor?


How long does my sponsorship last?

Terms vary.

If my sponsorship is revoked can I get a refund?


Do you offer any refund if I am not satisfied?


Why do some of the skits use the gender term Squaw?

In the early days gener types were Buck and Squaw to identify male and female. In the summer of 2020 it was brought to the attention of Willbrr.com that using the term Squaw was considered offensive and not family friendly. So in an effort to keep with the family friendly humor theme, Willbrr.com has adjusted all future question submission to use one of the following for gender: Buck, Doe, or Platypus.

Why do you have a question type of Theology and not Religion

In the scope of willbrr.com, religion is concerned with the practical aspects of faith, such as worship, prayer, and moral behavior, while theology is concerned with the academic study of religious texts, beliefs, and practices. To each their own, but Willbrr offers a topic area of Theology.

God bless America!

Today is 2024-04-25

And remember, willbrr.com and any of Willbrr's thoughts and advice are for entertainment purposes only, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!
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